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This proves once and for all that the ‘climate change’ hoax is just a political agenda

( A dearth of real data outside of computer modeling, coupled with hard evidence that global temperatures have been tampered with by top government agencies like NASA, should be enough to convince any rational person that “climate change” caused by the modernity of Mankind is a hoax.

The fact is, the climate change agenda has always been political, and that was proven once again recently through the collusion of several state attorneys general who are working to extort big energy companies by claiming their “denial” of the agenda is somehow harming the earth.

As reported by AMI Newswire, the 15 state attorneys general who are engaged in a climate change investigation targeting ExxonMobil all signed a secrecy agreement aimed at thwarting open-records requests, a Washington, D.C.-based policy institute charged Thursday.

The Energy & Environment Legal Institute released a copy of what’s called a common-interest agreement that was signed by representatives of the state attorneys general, as well as attorneys general in Washington and the Virgin Islands. The institute said the pact went beyond the scope of traditional common-interest agreements and was expressly drafted to obstruct transparency laws.

The attorneys general launched an investigation into ExxonMobil and possibly others in the fossil-fuel industry that they contend may have misled consumers and investors about the true nature of climate change.

“It’s baffling that these AGs feel they can trample on their own states’ public records laws,” the institute’s legal counsel, David Schnare, said in a prepared statement. “If they truly believe that they are engaged in anything other than a purely political campaign, they should have no problem explaining to the public what they are doing and subjecting their activities to the scrutiny their legislatures demanded.”

The agreement urges the signers to keep discussions pertaining to the investigation confidential and calls on them to “refuse to disclose any shared information unless required by law.”

Chaim Mandelbaum, another counsel for the institute, told AMI Newswire that the District of Columbia’s attorney general’s office released the document as part of a litigation settlement. This came after the institute’s multiple open-records requests went unanswered, Mandelbaum said.

A spokesman for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman countered that entering into such an agreement was a routine practice to preserve the confidentiality of public records that are part of investigations and shared among state law-enforcement officials.

“The suggestion that a common-interest agreement is anything other than a standard, routine and responsible law-enforcement practice is utter nonsense,” Nick Benson stated in an email to AMI Newswire. “This is just another press release by fossil-fuel-industry allies hoping to distract, deflect and delay a serious fraud investigation into potential corporate fraud and malfeasance. Needless to say, it will not be effective.”

Mandelbaum disputed the idea that the wording of the agreement was routine.

“That’s not true, and the attorney general of New York knows that,” he said, adding that such agreements can only be made when litigation – such as a formal charge that an oil company violated New York’s racketeering laws – is ongoing or reasonably anticipated.

The institute contends that the agreement was drafted not in anticipation of litigation but to keep what it contends is a politically motivated climate change agenda under wraps.

The underhanded chicanery of the AG’s proves that their agenda is completely political and not based on any sound science, as they claim. It’s just another Left-wing attempt at destroying an industry for the sake of controlling more and more of the population.

The group of them should be investigated for their behavior and criminally charged if it can be proven they colluded to keep their shenanigans secret. Given the surfacing of this pledge of secrecy, that shouldn’t be too difficult.

Michael Carroll, AMI Newswire, contributed to this report.

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