smart meters
By Vicki Batts
What is EMF and how can exposure effect your family?
Concerns over EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, continue to grow. Electromagnetic fields are also often referred to as their more-correct name, “electromagnetic radiation.” While all of your cellphones, smart meters and other devices that rely on cell towers and WiFi networks may seem totally safe (and super convenient!), the truth is that they come at a […]
By Vicki Batts
Your smart meter is emitting cancer-causing radiation
Smart meters are all the rage these days. Utilities like to say that these devices will help to reduce your bills and are more efficient than their analog predecessors, but is the cancer-causing radiation they emit really worth it? Concerns over the electro-magnetic radiation that is produced by smart meters has continued to grow, despite […]
By Vicki Batts
Few U.S. senators are waking up to the reality of destructive radiation from smart meters
Nationwide, AMI “smart meters” are being foisted upon utility consumers for monitoring their gas, electric and water needs. However, these “smart meters” are not really a smart choice, after all. Smart meters are known for releasing dirty electricity and high-pulse harmonics into interior wiring of whatever buildings they’re installed in. They are also known for […]
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