medical history
By Isabelle Z.
The dark history behind fluoride (that the media refuses to report)
Did you know that the same chemical in municipal drinking water played a key role in producing the atomic bomb? Were you aware that huge quantities of the chemical that supposedly protects teeth from cavities were needed to manufacture the bomb-grade plutonium and uranium for nuclear weapons during the Cold War? There are plenty of […]
By Mike Adams
PROOF that vaccines target blacks for depopulation: Published science paper identifies infertility chemical secretly spiked into vaccines for African women
Call it the Age of Transparency, if you wish, but the dark secrets behind almost every once-trusted institution are now being exposed for all to see. Public trust in already shattered in the treasonous FBI, the corrupt CDC, the “fake news” mainstream media and the farce of conventional medicine. On the heels of all that, […]
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