A prenatal ultrasound test can definitively reveal whether a human who is safely developing in the womb is male or female. And …
Wikileaks has published thousands of leaked emails from a US cyber-security contractor. Whistle-blowing journalist Barrett Brown was released from federal …
The end game of the federal government is to enslave all the people of the United States. This is not …
Just when the water crisis in Flint seemed like it couldn’t get any worse, the state of Michigan has recently …
The federal government believes patients using medical marijuana do not have a right to exercise the Second Amendment. Earlier this …
Historically, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been an extremely controversial organization. While the brainwashed sheep likely believe them to …
Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s aide-de-camp, may have more problems than a sexting husband. Abedin forwarded classified national security email through an …
The whistleblower website WikiLeaks posted a tweet on Monday stating that a “cat burglar” had tried to gain access to …
It is undoubtedly not healthy to drink sugar and fructose corn syrup-laden soft drinks. Instead of allowing people to make …
On January 21, 2009, Obama issued Executive Order 13490, “Ethics Commitments By Executive Branch Personnel.” The “Revolving Door Ban” section …