The biotechnology technique known as CRISPR has brought down the costs of genetic engineering by 99 percent and slashed the time …
Even though the federal government’s health care bureaucracy, Big Pharma and the vaccine industry refuse to admit it, yet another …
A healthy developing child named Joshua Hadfield was vaccinated with Glaxo’s Pandermrix influenza vaccine amidst the 2010 H1N1 swine flu …
A prosecutor from San Antonio, Texas, recently went on the record and declared that vaccines can and do cause autism. …
Modern man is nowhere near as robust as his predecessors were. It is true that with the advancements of modern …
How many studies will it take to prove that vaccines cause autism? Well, it doesn’t seem to matter how many …
The mainstream media and conventional medicine have done everything in their power to convince the world that vaccines don’t cause …
It was only a matter of time before someone finally admitted what we all know to be true: censorship exists …
Children residing in a region of New York State that uses aerial pesticides to maintain mosquitoes have an increased risk …