News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
Why Obama’s commitment to the TPP strengthens Monsanto and Big Pharma
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is a trade pact currently being negotiated upon outside of the law. With nothing more than the aim to ban GMO labeling, to allow Monsanto’s grip on the agricultural industry continue to strengthen, increase GMO prevalence and continue to keep the cost of pharmaceuticals sky-high. In an article, Natural News […]
By Vicki Batts
Sunscreen protection is a cancer-causing racket
Did you know that there is no real proof that sunscreen can actually help to prevent most skin cancers? Yet we are told by most of the medical community to lather ourselves up in sunscreens that are made with all kinds of potentially toxic chemicals. There are several studies showing that people who spend more […]
By Vicki Batts
Popular children’s vitamin brand full of GMOs, aspartame and other deadly ingredients
When you buy a vitamin for your child, its because you want them to be healthy. Unfortunately, even children’s multivitamins are not always safe for consumption. You’d think there would be some shred of ethics behind these giant corporations, but even products solely designed for children are often riddled with toxic chemicals. Such is the […]
By Vicki Batts
Monsanto ensures public will never know how toxic GMOs are
Since the proliferation of genetically modified seeds and crops, people have started asking — “What are the long-term effects of GMOs on humans?” And yet, notwithstanding all the questions, debates and controversies, not a single, long-term, independent study has ever given us a conclusive answer. In reality, it should be illegal for these products to be sold and […]
By Vicki Batts
New study claims diet cola is just as good as water
A new study alleges that diet soda may be just as good for you as water — or at least, that’s what the researchers at the University of Bristol would have you believe. There have already been countless studies showing the negative effects of popular low energy sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose – starting with horrible migraines […]
By Vicki Batts
Study confirms obese kids have key signs of heart disease
Science has already found links between obesity and many diseases. That’s really nothing new; being fat will eventually kill you, no matter how healthy you might think you are. But, as obese parents continue to raise obese children, we must now ask ourselves — what kind of consequences are these kids experiencing? Studies show that […]
By Vicki Batts
Common medical procedures have no scientific merit, study says
A recent review published online at the Journal of the American Medical Association found that many commonly employed medical procedures applied to millions of people each year are founded on questionable evidence, at best. In some instances, the evidence to support the treatment may not even exist. According to the research, medical overuse “encompasses overdiagnosis, […]
By Vicki Batts
22-year old patient loses life in drug trials for weight loss
A 22-year old patient died recently during late stage trials for an obesity drug. Zafgen Inc. says that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has put a partial hold on the development of their treatment, beloranib. It’s nice to see the FDA doing something right. The company largely focuses on drugs for the treatment of […]
By Vicki Batts
FDA fast tracking flu shot containing known killer ingredient
The FDA has approved fast tracking of the Swiss-based Novartis flu shot, called Fluad. This particular flu shot contains squalene to boost immune response, supposedly. Squalene was used in anthrax vaccines for troops during the Gulf War. It’s associated with Gulf War Syndrome – which affected thousands of American soldiers and led to greater fatalities […]
By Vicki Batts
Big Biotech wants your sympathy to push their agenda
A senior Harvard professor warns that images of impoverished Africa may be used to push the GMO agenda. Sheila Jasanoff, a professor of science and technology at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government points out that perception of a risk is all in how it’s framed. GMO corporations want to frame their products […]
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