News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
Mentally ill & depressed patients are being euthanized in the Netherlands
An international independent organization working to secure human rights for all humans, known as the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Global Outreach (MCCL GO) plans on making waves during the Human Rights Council’s upcoming review of the Netherlands. You see, the MCCL GO argues that the Dutch practices of euthanasia and assisted suicide are violations of […]
By Vicki Batts
Big Pharma spent $880M between 2006 and 2015 to protect opioids, fight marijuana legalization
At this point, it is almost laughable how the DEA continues to insist that marijuana is so dangerous that it needs to be labeled as a Schedule I drug. Even morphine and opium are listed as Schedule II, meaning they rank lower on the DEA’s frivolous “danger” scale. How could anyone honestly say that marijuana has […]
By Vicki Batts
Michigan removes Flint’s power to sue over tainted water
Just when the water crisis in Flint seemed like it couldn’t get any worse, the state of Michigan has recently passed new legislature that all but removes the city’s ability to sue the state. The new rules came shortly after Flint Mayor Karen Weaver notified state government officials that her city might file a lawsuit […]
By Vicki Batts
Popular fast food restaurants failing to carry antibiotic-free meat
A group of public interest organizations has recently released its second annual report – a report that exposes many fast food industry giants for the frauds that they are. Joined by their environmental, consumer and health concerns, the groups banded together to grade the 25 largest fast food and restaurant chains in the United States. What they […]
By Vicki Batts
Ancient burial and prayer sites bulldozed for pipeline in North Dakota
North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux filed for a temporary restraining order on September 4th to halt construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline. This is a last-ditch effort by the Sioux to preserve ancient burial sites and prayer areas. Irreparable damage has already been done to a number of sacred plots. In a press statement, tribal […]
By Vicki Batts
San Antonio prosecutor: Vaccines cause autism
A prosecutor from San Antonio, Texas, recently went on the record and declared that vaccines can and do cause autism. While unsurprising to those who’ve done their research, to hear those words come from a district attorney is certainly quite shocking. Nico LaHood and his wife Davida are parents to an autistic child. Fox San Antonio reports […]
By Vicki Batts
Government and corporations will soon be able to hack your brainwaves, thoughts
Some day soon brain hacking will be the single most dangerous and powerful tool that the government has access to. It’s called “brain signal hacking,” and modest forms of it have already begun to appear in social media. Social media and heavy use of the internet have already begun hijacking our minds. Google, for example, […]
By Vicki Batts
Boy completely paralyzed from the neck down after Gardasil vaccination
Colton Berrett was a regular adolescent boy before he received the Gardasil vaccine. While getting a routine check-up at the doctor’s office before going off to scout camp, Colton’s doctor recommended he get the HPV vaccine. The doctor told Colton’s mother that he needed the vaccine to prevent cancer, and to help prevent him from […]
By Vicki Batts
The secret global court, and why corrupt corporations desperately want the TPP
It’s no secret that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, better known as the TPP, will be disastrous for America. Forged under the guise of free trade, the partnership is truly anything but. Indeed, the deal will do very little for the average American citizen. The TPP is not, and was not, crafted with average people in mind. […]
By Vicki Batts
FAA approves airborne poison-spraying pesticide drones
If glyphosate wasn’t scary enough for you, Monsanto’s newest idea will surely have your hair standing on end. The agri-business giant has come up with a pesticide drone – because drones and pesticides are two things that clearly belong together. Dumping herbicides and pesticides from the sky seems like something the government should oppose, but instead, somehow […]
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