News & Articles By Mary Wilder
By Mary Wilder
Where liberty goes to die: poll shows majority of democrat-run states have a low freedom index
A new study created by the CATO Institute ranks all 50 states by how free they are in regards to fiscal, regulatory and personal freedoms. Due to the sheer amount of statistics given, there is a lot of information to take in from that analysis — so how much can we actually learn from the study? A shocking amount, to […]
By Mary Wilder
Alcohol is 114 times more likely to kill you than cannabis
Anyone who has even attempted to educate themselves on the actual effects of cannabis should be well aware that it is not only completely safe, it also boasts numerous health benefits. If you name an ailment, there is a decent chance that marijuana can aid, if not completely cure, the illness. As a result, there’s […]
By Mary Wilder
Soros-funded group instructs Socialist leaders in Europe to brand ANY opposition as ‘xenophobic’
Xenophobia is a word that you just can’t seem to escape from in 2016. Anything that paints a country or its citizens in a negative light is automatically deemed “xenophobic” by the Regressive Left, even though they themselves cannot avoid insulting the United States of America at every available moment. Fear of being labeled a […]
By Mary Wilder
New drug “flakka” being blamed as a cause of cannibalism
As the new designer drug alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone — known on the streets as “flakka” — rises in popularity, a series of adverse side effects have been exposed. And they’re not pretty. Take Austin Kelly Harrouff for instance. The 19-year-old Florida State University student who was found gnawing a man’s face off after murdering him and his wife is […]
By Mary Wilder
Different paths: Milwaukee cop was a former classmate of repeat offender he shot dead
While it has yet to be formally confirmed by Milwaukee police, it has been revealed by media sources that 24-year-old Dominique Heaggan-Brown is the officer responsible for fatally shooting 23-year-old Sylville Smith in self-defense. Oddly enough, the two men were later revealed to be former high school classmates. Obviously, they traveled down entirely different paths in the years […]
By Mary Wilder
Does the federal government’s missing $6.5 trillion indicate another 9/11 is on the way?
Another day, another conspiracy involving the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Once again, though, this “conspiracy” is supported by plenty of facts, with prior events and new evidence readily available in order to back up the claim. The Pentagon recently announced that $6.5 trillion has suddenly gone missing, which sets off all sorts of red flags […]
By Mary Wilder
From the Golden State to a police state: journalists’ undercover videos now criminalized in CA
A new bill in California has been passed that makes it illegal to expose the truth. After hidden-camera videos surfaced exposing Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of fetal tissue, the authoritarian leftists in the Golden State decided to take action to prevent more inconvenient truths from being revealed. The released videos resulted in a […]
By Mary Wilder
Saudi airstrikes bomb Doctors Without Borders in Yemen – just days after killing 10 children in a school attack
At least 15 people in northern Yemen are dead and at least 20 more are wounded after an airstrike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Abs Hospital in the Hajjah Province of northern Yemen was hit by a series of warplanes, killing doctors, patients and officials in their wake. This attack comes just days after an airstrike […]
By Mary Wilder
George Soros confirmed through email leaks as Clinton’s puppet master while she was Sec. of State
For many years now, many political pundits have suspected that, when it comes to foreign policy, billionaire businessman George Soros has been pulling the strings behind the scenes. Despite being attacked by the lie-spewing mainstream media, new evidence proves that those people have been right all along. Recently, groups run by Soros were hacked by […]
By Mary Wilder
Dead serious: Clinton’s VP Tim Kaine often defended rapists and murders as a lawyer
No matter what great lengths politicians go to in order to keep their shady pasts a secret, the truth always comes out. In the age of the internet — when centuries of information are available right at your fingertips — there’s no hiding the truth for long. Thus is the case for Hillary Clinton’s Vice […]
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