News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
PURE EVIL: The Lula da Silva regime in Brazil forcibly injects its political enemies with deadly covid “vaccines”
Now that the popular Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been removed from office, a new communist force is rising up to take his place. Bolsonaro had largely resisted much of the medical tyranny that swept the world from 2020 to 2022. He fought back against mandates and vaccine passports, and advocated for medical privacy, body […]
By Lance D Johnson
Abortion industry wants legal immunity to kill live-birth babies who survive botched abortions
Not every abortion goes as planned. In fact, thousands of babies survive abortions every year. When a baby is born alive, despite all attempts to kill him/her, abortionists must face a very serious reality – a reality that presents a conundrum to their seared conscience. In the past fifty years, at least 17,855 babies were […]
By Lance D Johnson
Former head of Twitter Trust and Safety, Yoel Roth, argued for children to HAVE ACCESS to gay adult services
Before Elon Musk took over Twitter, the social media giant had no plan to protect minors from sexually explicit material. This is mainly because the former head of Twitter Trust and Safety – Yoel Roth – argued for children to HAVE ACCESS to gay adult services on the platform. Roth directly influenced Ned Segal and […]
By Lance D Johnson
New Zealand High Court FORCES baby to receive tainted blood, forbidding unvaccinated blood donors
The vicious, ongoing medical tyranny in New Zealand has taken a new turn, with the New Zealand High Court conspiring with Auckland’s Starship Hospital to take custody of a baby and forcing the child to received tainted blood donations against the parents’ consent. Auckland’s Starship Hospital and its pediatric cardiac surgeon refused to take unvaccinated […]
By Lance D Johnson
Disney’s new Christmas series depicts children holding up signs that say, “We Love You Satan”
A scene from Walt Disney’s new Christmas series is causing controversy. The controversial scene depicts children collectively holding up letters that read “We Love You Satan.” While the scene is probably just a play on the word “Santa,” the “joke” didn’t go over well with many parents. This is because parents are now wise to […]
By Lance D Johnson
Canada is pro-death: The “world leader in euthanasia” is now considering medically-assisted suicide of children WITHOUT parental consent
In 2021, Canada became the “world leader in euthanasia” – medically-assisting more than 10,000 people to an early death. Since 2016, Canadian medical authorities followed through with 31,000 euthanasia requests. Hospitals there have quickly become death camps, a macabre place where treatment and counseling is withheld, where hopelessness and suicide is encouraged. As the depravity […]
By Lance D Johnson
Stacey Abrams, Georgia gubernatorial candidate, goes full psychopath, says abortion is the solution for inflation
Stacey Abrams, the dem’s candidate for governor in Georgia, recently went on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss inflation, and the things she would do as governor to fix it. MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle asked, “While abortion is an issue, it nowhere reaches the level of interest of voters in terms of the cost of gas, food […]
By Lance D Johnson
Child predators using gender clinics to amputate children’s breasts at alarming rate across America
Child predators and transgender activists are infiltrating the internet, the education system and the medical system, brainwashing kids with perverse, self-destructive material that is designed to strip adolescents of their identities, poison their physiologies and mutilate their bodies. A new report from the New York Times, warns that breast amputations are “exploding” at newly-erected “gender-expansive” […]
By Lance D Johnson
CHILLING: Biden signs new order to develop genetic engineering technologies to “write circuitry for cells” and “predictably program biology”
On September 12, the Biden White House signed off on a new Executive Order called: “Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy.” The order calls for the rapid development of a “bioeconomy” to address “societal goals” like PROGRAMMING HUMAN BIOLOGY. The order refers to a bioeconomy as an “economic […]
By Lance D Johnson
Unethical Wuhan virology (bioweapons) experiments may be moving to Boston, Massachusetts, with new grants issued to Peter Daszak and covid-19 conspirators
The very network of people who off-shored gain-of-function coronavirus experiments in Wuhan, China are now the people getting financial rewards and bringing similar controversial virology research back to the United States. Boston University will receive a $1 million grant to take on unethical, gain-of-function virology research at their controversial Bio-safety Level-4 facility — the National […]
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