News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
RULED BY SATAN: Archbishop warns of collusion between Deep State and Deep Church to overthrow Trump and bring in New World Order
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is warning that the “Deep Church” is working with the Deep State to make the Catholic Church the spiritual arm of a new world order, calling the upcoming U.S. presidential election a biblical challenge. The Catholic archbishop, who has served as the ambassador for the Vatican to the United States in […]
By Cassie B.
Lyme disease may be a biological weapon developed by the U.S. military
You probably know that Lyme disease comes from ticks, but if you don’t personally suffer from it, you’d be forgiven for not knowing much more about it. However, there is one aspect of this disease that everyone should be concerned about, and that’s the possibility that it originated as a biological weapon developed by our […]
By Cassie B.
11 Endangered children rescued by U.S. Marshals in New Orleans operation
A two-month operation by the U.S. Marshals service in New Orleans has led to the recovery of 11 missing or endangered children in the city. The good news comes as part of Operation Summer Rescue, which the Marshals carried out throughout the months of August and September with help from other agencies, including the New […]
By Cassie B.
Pesticides have made agriculture 48 times MORE toxic to insects in the past 25 years… what’s it doing to your food?
In case you had any doubt how dramatically pesticides are harming our environment, one recent study found that pesticides have made agriculture a remarkable 48 times more toxic to insects over the past quarter century. This incredible decline in such a relatively low amount of time is due in no small part to the contribution […]
By Cassie B.
NJ congressman endorsed by Biden reportedly lobbied AGAINST sex offender registry
A New Jersey congressman who is up for reelection has been coming under fire for the part he played in lobbying against the creation of a national sex offender registry. Last month, the Washington Free Beacon reported on New Jersey Democrat Representative Tom Malinowski’s role as a top lobbyist for Human Rights Watch when they […]
By Cassie B.
Senate report shows Hunter Biden paid women who were linked to human trafficking, prostitution
A report released yesterday by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in conjunction with the Senate Committee on Finance claims that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, made a slew of shady financial transactions, which could have made his family vulnerable to extortion and counterintelligence concerns. A footnote to the committee’s report confirms that […]
By Cassie B.
China buys Hollywood’s silence about its human rights abuses
The recent drama about Disney’s Mulan film has drawn some much-needed attention to the evils of communist China – a topic that is often glossed over thanks to the country’s financial support of Hollywood. Director Judd Apatow recently expressed his concerns about the issue, saying that Hollywood censors films to avoid upsetting China and Saudi […]
By Cassie B.
CA governor signs controversial bill that reduces the penalty for sodomy with minors
Just when you thought California couldn’t get any worse, Governor Gavin Newsom has now signed a controversial new bill into law that means that adults who sodomize minors will not automatically be placed on the state’s sex offender registry. The bill, which was passed by the state’s Democratic-controlled legislature, hands judges discretion over sex offender […]
By Cassie B.
China forcibly collecting blood from Falun Gong adherents to boost its organ harvesting efforts
China has been forcibly collecting blood samples from Falun Gong practitioners, and given their track record, many believe organ harvesting is the motivation. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice based on compassion, tolerance and truthfulness. Its adherents follow meditation exercises and moral teaching, and China has been suppressing them for the past two decades. During […]
By Cassie B.
Kanye West says Planned Parenthood commits “black genocide” via abortion
It’s not a secret that Planned Parenthood kills a shocking number of black babies each day, but it’s a topic that doesn’t get a lot of airtime in the mainstream media. That’s why rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West is taking advantage of the spotlight to spread the word about these atrocities to his huge […]
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