News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
JOURNO-TERRORISM: CNN stalks elderly woman, “doxxes” her on live broadcast, accuses of being a Russian puppet… wave of threats ensues
In 2016, I coined the term “journo-terrorism” to describe the fear-based deranged “journalism” being practiced by out-of-control left-wing news propagandists like CNN. Today, CNN just confirmed they are the leader in journo-terrorism by stalking an elderly woman in her own front yard, “doxxing” her on a live broadcast, and accusing her of being a Russian […]
By Mike Adams
REMINDER: Just because high school students survived a tragedy doesn’t make them instant experts on complex policy issues
The latest tactic of the “mob rule” Left is to puppeteer high school students, parading them in front of cameras as “experts” on gun control and the Second Amendment, all while rehearsing scripted talking points with them to make sure they stay on point. The puppeteers, of course, are all the same anti-America, anti-Trump, anti-Constitution […]
By Mike Adams
On the same day that 17 children were murdered in a Florida high school, almost 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications
On the same day that 17 students and staff were killed in a Florida high school shooting, nearly 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet no one cried a single tear, and the (pharma-funded) news didn’t even mention the tragedy. When children are killed by guns, the news is emotionally multiplied with pseudojournalism […]
By Mike Adams
Slate, Yahoo News, NYT, WashPost, Mother Jones, CNN and The Atlantic all named as willing co-conspirators in deep state #RussiaGate propaganda plot
If you’re been reading this site for very long, you’re already well aware that the so-called “mainstream media” functions as pawns of the deep state, catapulting propaganda on command, blacking out news stories they don’t want you to see, and fabricating false “sources” to justify fictitious stories that achieve a political agenda. Some of the […]
By Mike Adams
Amazon charged with 4,000 counts of selling illegal pesticides
Amazon.com, founded by Jeff Bezos — the current owner of the Washington Post — has been caught committing nearly 4,000 counts of selling illegal pesticides. The EPA spearheaded the investigation that revealed Amazon to be profiting from the sales of toxic, deadly substances that directly threaten the health of children. No criminal charges have yet […]
By Mike Adams
PSYCH DRUG SHOOTERS: Florida school shooter “was on medication,” reports Miami Herald, just like nearly all other mass shooters
Nearly every mass shooting over the last 20 years has one thing in common… and it’s not GUNS. It’s actually psychiatric medications. And now, to no one’s surprise, we are learning that Nikolas Cruz, the shooter who killed 17 students and staff at a Florida high school, was reportedly taking mental health medications, reports the […]
By Mike Adams
NO TIES between militia and Florida school shooter – law enforcement statement
As always happens following a mass shooting event, there’s a mad rush for each political party to tie the shooter to the other side of the aisle. Today, the entire left-wing media reported that Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz had “drilled” with a white supremacy group called the Republic of Florida. But it turns out […]
By Mike Adams
Florida mass shooting: Another deranged individual obsessed with guns, violence and “resistance” (UPDATE, correction)
By now, you’ve probably heard that a horrific mass shooting tragedy has unfolded in a Florida school, where a former student returned to the school grounds and opened fire. So far, the death toll is 17. Note: The original version of this story cited the Miami Herald, which incorrectly identified the name of the shooter […]
By Mike Adams
PROOF that vaccines target blacks for depopulation: Published science paper identifies infertility chemical secretly spiked into vaccines for African women
Call it the Age of Transparency, if you wish, but the dark secrets behind almost every once-trusted institution are now being exposed for all to see. Public trust in already shattered in the treasonous FBI, the corrupt CDC, the “fake news” mainstream media and the farce of conventional medicine. On the heels of all that, […]
By Mike Adams
Washington Post, CNN, NPR, PBS all praise murderous North Korea and its slave state leaders
Remember how I said that the Washington Post is a traitorous, anti-American, propaganda-laced “journo-terrorism” organization? Their coverage of the Olympics proves it, as WashPost joins NPR, ABC, NBC, CNN, the NYT and other left-wing propaganda rags in praising the murderous North Korean regime. You know why they praise North Korea? Because that’s the kind of […]
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