News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Why governments are pursuing DEPOPULATION to save themselves from financial collapse
Ever wonder why governments allow so much deadly pollution to be dumped into food, water and soils? Part of the real reason may surprise you: Governments no longer want people to live long enough to collect entitlement benefits, and allowing the contamination of everything with death-inducing substances actually saves governments money by accelerating the death […]
By Mike Adams
YouTube begins banning video channels for talking about CBD oil; claims CBD oil “poses risk of serious physical harm or death”
Jumping in bed with Big Pharma and the corrupt cancer industry, YouTube has begun banning entire video channels that post videos describing the compassionate use of CBD oil in cancer patients. In addition to re-banning the Health Ranger video channel over a video that called for racial unity and peace in our world (see below), […]
By Mike Adams
Ultra-liberal NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman accused of beating women in weird sex slave assaults… FOUR accusers come forward
Is anyone really surprised? Yet another outspoken #MeToo defender who spoke at the Women’s March and viciously attacked President Trump has now been exposed as a vile, violent sex abuser of multiple women, according to a bombshell report from The New Yorker. Eric Schneiderman, who resigned yesterday, was an ultra-liberal Trump hater who claimed to […]
By Mike Adams
ANALYSIS: Alfie Evans was executed by lethal injection; Alder Hey hospital steeped in horrifying history of organ harvesting from human babies
Watching in horror the “health care” murder of baby Alfie Evans over the last few days, I’ve been gathering an array of stories and sources to bring you a detailed, definitive report of what actually went down. Until that full report is ready, however, it seems urgent to share with you the conclusion of my […]
By Mike Adams
Bombshell IG report reveals FBI to be corrupt, treasonous and criminal in its outrageous cover-ups of Clinton crimes
The Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Justice, has released a stunning new report that exposes the criminality and corruption of the FBI. Read the full report at this link. The investigative report concludes that Andrew McCabe — who spearheaded the “deep state” operation to cover up the crimes of Hillary Clinton while […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger / Alex Jones predicted a Syrian-style false flag attack two months ago: See video
On February 28, 2018, I appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss the real reason why the tech giants (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) are censoring not merely conservative voices but independent media channels, too. As you’ll hear in the video below, I explained that censorship is a prelude to a major false flag […]
By Mike Adams
Anti-GMO activist found dead in hotel pool, hours before planned delivery of 200,000 petition signatures to the EPA
An activist who opposed genetically engineered mosquitoes has been found dead in the swimming pool of a Washington D.C. hotel, just hours before she was due to submit a petition with over 200,000 signatures to the EPA. Derrick Broze of Activist Post has investigated the story and spoken to a close friend of the victim, […]
By Mike Adams
California state senator who pushed vaccine mandate now seeks to CRIMINALIZE “fake news” about medicine, politics and government
In the latest stunning assault on the freedom to think, California state senator Richard Pan — known as the “Mercury Joker” super villain for pushing mandatory vaccines into law via SB 277 — now wants to criminalize all bloggers and independent journalists who dare question the official narratives on vaccines, medicine, politics and government. The […]
By Mike Adams
Body of CDC researcher Timothy Cunningham found in a river near Atlanta… what did he know? Why was he murdered?
The body of a CDC researcher named Timothy Cunningham was discovered in the Chattohoochee River near Atlanta today, reports Fox News. Atlanta police tweeted the following message: The Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office has identified the body recovered in the Chattahoochee River in NW Atlanta late Tuesday to be missing CDC employee Timothy Cunningham. Cunningham […]
By Mike Adams
The real goal of eliminating the Second Amendment is to obliterate the First Amendment (and enslave us all)
Left-wing tyrants don’t merely want to strip away the Second Amendment for the sake of eliminating guns — which they stupidly think will stop violent crime. The real goal is to eliminate the First Amendment and silence all speech that opposes the dangerous agendas of the Left Cult: Open borders, endless expansion of corrupt government, […]
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