08/24/2021 / By JD Heyes
It’s becoming clearer by the day that governments that used to be considered democracies are descending into authoritarian states under the guise of “protecting the people from COVID-19” because the leftists who run them have always been tyrants, apparently.
One of those countries is Canada, surprisingly enough. But Australia is another.
“Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in [New South Wales] under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe,” the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reported this week.
“Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from traveling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government,” the paper added.
In other words, because the country is currently being locked down right now due to ‘COVID,’ the council decided to shoot the dogs to avoid having anyone ‘break the law’ by venturing out of their homes to rescue one of them.
“OLG has been informed that the council decided to take this course of action to protect its employees and community, including vulnerable Aboriginal populations, from the risk of COVID-19 transmission,” a spokesman from the government agency said.
“We are deeply distressed and completely appalled by this callous dog shooting and we totally reject council’s unacceptable justifications that this killing was apparently undertaken as part of a COVID- safe plan,” Lisa Ryan, the regional manager for the animal rights group Animal Liberation, said.
And for the record, the paper said that one of the dogs killed “was a new mother,” though no doubt her pups have been disposed of as well.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed the Aussie government and, in a way, ordinary Australians for allowing their government to become so authoritarian without any resistance.
During a Monday evening segment, Carlson noted that nearby New Zealand recently locked down the entire country too — over a single COVID-19 case.
“Don’t talk to your neighbors, stay in your bubble. That’s New Zealand,” Carlson said. “But it’s freer than Australia. In Australia, the government has implemented total lockdowns nationwide and then imposed martial law to enforce those lockdowns. What’s the justification for this?” he asked.
Tucker then went on to note the killing of the rescued dogs. “In one recent case, which really does say it all, authorities executed rescue dogs, shot the dogs to death, to prevent Australian dog lovers from traveling to adopt the dog,” noted the host. “Leaving your home is no longer allowed. So they just killed the dogs and the population put up with it. They were told they had to,” he added.
The Australian government, he said, has gone to extreme lengths to enforce the lockdowns, including a nationwide manhunt for a 27-year-old man who is COVID-19 positive who left his house, arresting and fining teenagers for being outside past curfew, and labeling churchgoers “selfish” and “arrogant.”
“No one in Australia is laughing at this. No one can stand back far enough to see the lunacy on display. They’re too far gone. This has been in the works for a long time, by the way, a situation like this does not happen overnight,” Carlson noted.
“Long before COVID in 2016, the government of Australia ended almost all legal protections for public protests and at the time people tolerated it. They trusted their government. They didn’t think it was necessarily a big thing,” said the host.
“So on Saturday, this weekend as protestors gathered in Millburn the government used this new authority to silence them,” he said — they had gathered to protest COVID lockdowns. Carlson showed footage of Australian police beating and tackling citizens who ‘violated the law’ by being outside.
“What we thought was a rules-based society, ‘What law did I break?’ you heard the protester asked as he’s being beaten and handcuffed,” Carlson said. “That might’ve been a good question to ask a few years ago, but of course now it’s too late and you can see what happens when a nation tolerates authoritarianism, even for a moment.”
“So you can either rebel immediately and say, ‘We’re not putting up with this. I’m sorry. We’re free people in a free country.’ San Francisco did that in 1918, when hypocrisy of their leadership became obvious, or you can sit back and watch it accelerate in the end. You’ll wind up like Australia and they’ll shoot your dog,” he added.
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Tagged Under: animal cruelty, Australia, authoritarianism, coronavirus lockdown, COVID, covid-19, insanity, lunatics, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, pandemic, rescue dogs, shot, Tyranny, violence, western democracy