06/30/2020 / By News Editors
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams, 2nd US president
(Article republished from TheShiningLightMinistries.com)
We aren’t a moral and religious people, not any more. The moral slide of nearly 2 ½ centuries has brought us to this point of national suicide. The attitude’s been, “what’s the harm, everything seems to be okay, it’s not affecting me personally”. Now the day of reckoning is upon us. I don’t advocate the philosophy of libertarian atheist, Ayn Rand, but she did get this right.
“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”
In Rand’s case, right idea but wrong concept of what constituted reality. She died in 1982 and is suffering the very consequences that she warned others about. Forever. Rebellion against God, whatever the philosophy behind it, always bears consequences.
Speaking of which, what we’re witnessing in cities across the US isn’t a civil rights movement or peaceful protesters exercising First Amendment rights. Peaceful doesn’t include, rioting, arson, theft, assault, blocking roadways, vandalizing property, murder, and other violent lawlessness. This is what Obama’s fundamental transformation of America looks like. Actually, it could be worse.
The liberals/Marxists/globalists were so close, so very close to realizing their multi-generational plan to destroy this nation in 2016. Then God intervened with Trump and gave us a reprieve from the communist revolution running through the White House. Perhaps you’re not used to hearing the word revolution in modern context regarding this nation. To many militant leftists it’s part of their daily vernacular and has been for decades. That’s what they’re calling it right now. All they needed was a spark.
George Floyd died in Minneapolis, his death captured on video, a cop kneeling on his neck. It became the catalyst for massaged pent-up rage and fury, both with people who’ve been conditioned to believe they’re targeted for the color of their skin and the leftist revolutionaries steering the unrest. A constitutional word for this is insurrection.
Justice for George Floyd, we’re told.
The police officer responsible for George Floyd’s death has been fired, arrested and charged with second degree murder. The other three officers have been fired and charged with accessory to murder. They are black, Hispanic and Asian. White supremacists? Probably not. Criminal conduct? That’s for the court to decide. What more justice is warranted? Apparently, the tender mercies of the self-appointed lynch mobs. Note to a nation: evil is never placated by surrendering to it. It doesn’t just fade away.
The rioting in multiple cities, including Washington DC, demonstrate this isn’t about George Floyd at all. His name represents nothing more than an opportunity for violence, looting and anarchy, all revolutionary tools of the communist left. “Yeah, but Trump…” Is the president responsible for city police departments? Yet he’s somehow blamed for events occurring in lifelong Democrat jurisdictions. If racism and police brutality are systemic in cities like Minneapolis, Chicago, New York City and the like, why haven’t the Democrats who’ve ran these cities for decades and generations done anything to end it?
The coming Antichrist is described as the man of sin, or lawlessness, in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. That spirit of lawlessness is abounding right now in our streets with law enforcement personnel ordered to stand down and let it happen. Six blocks in downtown Seattle, Washington, have been seized and occupied by domestic terrorists with the blessings of Mayor Durkan and Governor Inslee. By allowing the lawless to rampage, they’re encouraging and rewarding those fomenting violent insurrection. This is a violation of their oaths of office and is in fact, treason. Both of these illegitimate authorities should be immediately removed from office by lesser magistrates, citizens, or federal agents and charged accordingly. Elections, as Obama stated, do have consequences.
The Democrat/Communist Party has become the political wing of the unfolding revolution, aiding, abetting and defending the overt movement on one hand while relentlessly pushing the underlying anti-God liberalism through legislation and judicial activism with the other. Their propaganda arm is the mass media and entertainment industries while the public education system does the training and indoctrination, turning our kids into their foot soldiers.
Prominent amongst the street thugs are Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Communist Antifa promotes the anarchy and chaos, while Black Lives Matter (BLM) justifies it, pushing the political communist “solution” to the problem they created: disbanding law enforcement, forced redistribution of wealth, destruction of capitalism, etc. BLM is not a civil rights organization nor is it concerned about innocent black lives or any lives other than their own. They’re a communist front group pure and simple, formed by three black, lesbian Marxists. This origin is not widely known. Origins reveal motives.
If BLM were truly concerned about crime and poverty amongst blacks they’d address the direct source of it, a high incidence of black babies being born into single mother homes.
“And he (Jesus) answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female (note, just two genders), And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” (Matthew 19:4-6)
Only within this marriage relationship are children to be born. Statistics show that if God’s plan is followed, regardless of ethnicity, the children of the marriage union generally fare far better than those kids born into a single mother home. Kids born outside of marriage have dramatically higher incidences of crime, substance abuse, incarceration, depression, suicide, poor academic performance, dropping out of school, unemployment, contracting STDs, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, needing public assistance as adults, and overwhelmingly perpetuate these same cycles with their eventual offspring by the same behavior as their parents. It is a horrible legacy of misery that unwed fathers and mothers bestow to their innocent children.
Read more at: TheShiningLightMinistries.com
Tagged Under:
anarchy, antifa, black lives, Black Lives Matter, chaos, civil rights, civil war, government, left cult, matter, no lives matter, Police, politics, protests, revolt, revolution, riots, terrorism, unrest, uprising, War
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